Automated Telephone Payments

It is like having cash office staff, available 24x7, taking payments from callers at their convenience, efficiently, securely and cost-effectively

Convenience, simplicity and security for the caller

IVR self service solutions provides callers with a 24x7x365 channel accessible from any phone, in any place, at any time.

Reduced revenue collection costs and low maintenance

Self-service IVR eliminates staff time processing credit and debit card payments over the telephone. These services interface directly with business back end systems for payment reference validation, payment receipting and implementation of local business payment collection rules. All the information required to successfully allocate a payment is captured so there are no downstream transaction reconciliation issues.
Telephone payments are processed, tracked and reported on, in the same way as payments through any other payment channel.

Hosted Service  is  PCI DSSLevel 1 Certified

SyberNet’s SaaS environment is externally hosted in a Level 1 PCI DSS environment running in Microsoft Azure. The environment is externally audited and tested and customers using the service eliminate the vast majority of PCI DSS controls, associated with taking payments over the phone, from their organisation’s PCI DSS compliance scope.

PSP Integration

SyberNet’s payment solutions integrate with all major Payment Service Providers, including Global Payments, Stripe, Mastercard and Elavon. Integration with PSPs can be customised to support downstream payment allocation, reconciliation and reporting.


The IVR Self Service call flow can be customised to suit the requirements of the organisation, for example, multilingual versions of an automated telephone self-service solution can be provided for organisations that operate in different geographies.

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