Agent Assisted Payments

Payment over the telephone is popular and needs to be supported by the organisation in a secure and compliant way as part of good customer service.

Accessible Payment Channels

An organisation that has a broad customer demographic base, for example, local government, utilities or financial services, needs to offer a secure and PCI compliant telephone based bill payment service. Customers expect to be able to make a payment by calling a contact center, or a contact number on bills and invoices. SyberNet's Agent Assisted Payment service allows a customer service agent to set up a payment for a calling customer and hand-off the call to an externally hosted service for the caller to complete the payment with the sensitive card data.

Secure Agent-Assisted Payment Solutions

With SyberNet’s agent assisted payment solutions, there is no agent contact with the card data, which significantly reduces the scope of any PCI compliance requirements.

Deployment configurations include end-of-call, mid-call, integration with backend business systems for payment reference validation and post payment update

Hosted Service  is  PCI DSS Level 1 Certified

SyberNet’s SaaS environment is externally hosted in a Level 1 PCI DSS environment running in Microsoft Azure. The environment is externally audited and tested and customers using the service eliminate the vast majority of PCI DSS controls, associated with taking payments over the phone, from their organisation’s PCI DSS compliance scope.

PSP Integration

SyberNet’s payment solutions integrate with all major Payment Service Providers, including Global Payments, Stripe, Mastercard and Elavon. Integration with PSPs can be customised to support downstream payment allocation, reconciliation and reporting.

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